Leadership Team

Amy Harhoff
Chief Executive

Amy Harhoff

Amy Harhoff, becomes the first permanent Chief Executive of EMMCA. Amy joins EMCCA from her role as Corporate Director for Regeneration, Economy, and Growth at Durham County Council, where she led major initiatives for the past four years. Her extensive leadership experience also includes senior roles at Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council, South Yorkshire Combined Authority, and Transport for Greater Manchester.
Damien Dacey - Interim Deputy Chief Executive - Leadership Team
Executive Director of Strategy and Inclusive Growth

Damien Dacey

Damien has worked in the region since October 2023 leading the programme to establish the authority and previously supported the Chief Executive during its first phase of growth. His role includes responsibility for leading our functions for Strategy and Inclusive Growth. Previously, he spent a decade in the UK Civil Service in a variety of policy development and programme delivery roles where latterly he worked on the cross-government effort to widen and deepen devolution in several parts of the country – including the East Midlands.
Jodie Townsend
Interim Monitoring Officer

Jodie Townsend

Jodie has over 20 years’ experience working in governance, the past 7 years of which have been in Combined Authorities. During this time, he has delivered a number of successful governance transformation projects, as well as acting as the Monitoring Officer at District Council, City Council and Combined Authority level. The Monitoring Officer is statutorily responsible for reporting to the Combined County Authority on any illegality or maladministration, this includes supporting our Board to ensure proper oversight of the organisation’s activities and compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations. Jodie is passionate about the benefits good governance can bring to an organisation and excited about the opportunity to develop, innovate and engage through governance at the Combined County Authority. Prior to joining the Combined County Authority, Jodie undertook a number of governance reviews within government departments and combined authorities as well as developing Assurance Frameworks and scrutiny functions.
Amanda Mays
Interim Executive Director for Resources

Amanda Mays

Amanda joined the East Midlands Devolution Programme Team in September 2023 as the interim Operations and People Lead. She is an experienced organisation development and transformation specialist, with a professional background in Human Resources. Amanda has led the creation and implementation of the EMCCA Operating Model and underpinning organisation values. Recent consultancy assignments have included the creation of a new Operating Model for the City of London Corporation, People Services transformation in Birmingham City Council and leading a culture programme in the Government of Jersey.
Richard Grice
Interim Executive Director for Place

Richard Grice

Richard is Interim Executive Director of Place. He has led the development of EMCCA’s Strategic Framework and delivery plans since October 2023. Richard has worked in local government innovation and transformation for over 20 years, in both the public and private sectors. He was previously Interim Transformation Director with Nottingham City Council and before that Executive Director of Transformation and Resources at the London Borough of Haringey. In previous roles, Richard has worked in local government consultancy, established a social care support business, established and led a managed service for a large city council and led the turnaround of a number of council customer facing services.
Interim Director of Communications

Carl Welham

Carl Welham has a long history with the East Midlands having worked and lived across the region for many years. He worked in mental health in Mansfield before moving into local radio managing social action projects with Radio Nottingham and Radio Derby among others. His communications career began as a PR Officer at Nottinghamshire County Council before joining Nottingham City Council as Senior Communications Practitioner and Head of Corporate Affairs during Nottingham’s transition to a unitary authority. Carl has worked at many public sector and local government organisations and is delighted to be applying his knowledge and love of the East Midlands to his role as Director of Communications at EMCCA.
Interim Transport Programme Director

Peter Mann

Peter joined the East Midlands devolution programme team in September 2023 as Interim Transport Lead, bringing 35 years of local government transport and highways experience, including at senior level in Oxford, Oxfordshire, Bristol and at the West of England Combined Authority. He has now moved into the role of Interim Transport Programme Director at EMCCA to oversee, not just the establishment of the transport division at EMCCA, but also the development of the regional transport strategy and investment programme.
Interim Executive Director for Finance

Nick Bell

Nick is an experienced senior manager with a strong finance background. He has been the Section 151 Officer/Finance Director in a number of councils and most recently has been the Section 73 Officer for another Combined Authority. He is passionate about how the areas of focus of Combined Authorities - particularly skills and business support - can make a huge difference to communities and he is looking forward to helping EMCCA develop its finance systems, processes, people and strategies to support the achievements of its aspirations.
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